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2024 Age Divisions

Age Divisions


We've designed the age groups with the following considerations:

  1. Safety: Ensuring that players are grouped with others of similar age promotes a safer playing environment.
  2. Competition Levels: The age divisions are structured to provide appropriate competition levels, contributing to a positive experience for all players.
  3. Division Manageability: Managing the size of each division effectively requires a strategic approach to player placement based on age. Last year we had too many kids unable to play because they belonged in divisions that were overloaded partially due to concessions of others playing up or down. We are currently using every field we can get our hands on and still need to cap registration in each division.
  4. Anticipation of League Growth: Due to our recent transition to Little League International, I have received numerous calls, texts and emails from coaches and players parents, within our boundaries, who will now be joining our league.

While we understand that each family's situation is unique, accommodating requests to play up or down in age groups can have broader implications and if we make concessions for one, we need to make them for all.

We will not be making concessions to play up or down, apart from the established Elite 8's and Elite 10's. Which will be verified through a tryout. 

As you register, you will need to keep your player in the correct age, but where there is an overlap, you can then choose the division that best fits your player.

Age + Skill Level

Division Ages Player Qualifications
Little League T-ball 4-6 The Little League T-Ball division is tailored for boys within the 4-6 age group, providing a game setting with a slightly slower pace and enhanced instructional focus. This division is thoughtfully designed to cater to the developmental needs of young players, offering an environment where they can learn and grow in the fundamentals of baseball at a comfortable and engaging pace. With an emphasis on instruction, players in the T-Ball division are guided through the basics of the game, fostering a positive and supportive atmosphere for their early experiences in the world of baseball.

Little League Minors

Coach Pitch

5-7 The Minor League Coach Pitch division continues to prioritize instruction while introducing a new level of challenge for boys aged 5-7 who have progressed beyond the T-Ball level. As these young athletes advance in their skills and understanding of the game, Coach Pitch provides an opportunity for them to experience live pitching. This transitional division aims to bridge the gap between T-Ball and more traditional baseball formats, allowing players to build confidence and refine their abilities in a supportive and educational setting. The emphasis remains on skill development, ensuring that players receive the guidance needed to thrive as they take their next steps in the exciting world of baseball.

Little League Minors

Machine Pitch

7-8 The Minor League Machine Pitch league continues the instructional focus, providing a dynamic environment for boys in the 7-8 age group. In this league, players encounter a progression in the level of challenge as they face faster and more accurate pitching from a machine. This strategic approach is designed to build confidence in young athletes before they transition to facing pitching from other kids. The emphasis remains on instruction, ensuring that players receive the necessary guidance to enhance their skills and readiness for the next phases of their baseball journey. This league serves as a crucial stepping stone, offering a supportive and educational platform for players to adapt to more dynamic gameplay.

Little League Majors - Including Elite 8


The Little League Majors division is tailored for 9-10-year-old boys, marking a significant step in their baseball journey as they transition to facing pitches from other kids and engaging in stiffer competition. This division provides an elevated level of play, offering a more challenging and competitive environment for players to further develop their skills.

As a unique opportunity, we are introducing the concept of the "Elite 8" tryouts, allowing a select group of players to showcase their abilities. Those chosen from this elite group will advance to the Majors division, providing them with a platform to excel and compete at a higher level. This initiative aims to recognize and nurture the talent of these exceptional players, ensuring they have the opportunity to thrive in an environment that pushes their baseball abilities to new heights.

Little League Intermediate - Including Elite 10


The Little League Intermediate division is tailored for 11-12-year-old boys, introducing them to a level of baseball where tight competition becomes the norm. This division marks a pivotal stage in their development, challenging players to elevate their skills and strategic understanding of the game.

In recognition of outstanding talent, we are thrilled to announce the "Elite 10" tryouts, providing advanced players with the opportunity to showcase their exceptional skills. Those selected from this elite group will have the chance to join the Intermediate Division, where they can further hone their abilities in an environment that demands excellence. This initiative is aimed at nurturing and celebrating the top-tier talent within our baseball community, ensuring they have the chance to thrive in an atmosphere of heightened competition and skill development.

Little League Seniors 13-16

In the Little League Senior Division, we invite and welcome players in the 13-16 age group to engage in a competitive and enriching baseball experience. This division serves as a bridge between the formative years of youth baseball and the more advanced levels of the sport. Players will not only have the opportunity to compete at a higher level but will also have the chance to cherish and strengthen the relationships they have built within the baseball community.

Beyond the game, the Senior Division fosters an environment where camaraderie and sportsmanship flourish. It's not just about the competition; it's about the shared experiences, lasting friendships, and the joy of playing the game they love. This division is designed to provide a well-rounded baseball experience that combines skill development, competitive play, and the bonds formed on and off the field.